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Our Mediators

Paul Lenehan

Paul Lenehan
Firm/practice Name
Lenehan Legal
Titanic Suites
55-59 Adelaide Street

Sports disputes.
Qualifying as a solicitor in 2005, Paul has developed expertise across a wide range of legal specialisms. His practice encompassed advising clients in contentious matrimonial matters, handling complex commercial disputes, navigating civil litigation cases, and providing guidance in the intricate field of sports law.

In 2020 Paul left his position as partner in a prominent Belfast city centre law firm and started his own in-house legal consultancy practice. This move allowed him to further explore alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, following his observations of the limitations of court litigation during his extensive years in legal practice.

Drawing upon his experience of acting for clients in mediations and having witnessed the shortcomings of litigation over many years, Paul recognised the transformative power and merits that mediation can offer conflcting parties. Mediation can preserve and nurture relationships, which often become strained or severed during court battles, through providing a clear emphasis on collaboration, understanding, and consensus-building.

Through his in-house legal consultancy, Paul offers comprehensive advice to clients across of range of commercial matters. This insight has proven invaluable in the context of commercial mediations, where Paul's guidance empowers parties to navigate complex issues and reach mutually beneficial resolutions. His commercial acumen and strategic approach ensure parties can make informed decisions throughout the mediation process, contributing to successful outcomes and lasting agreements.

In addition to professional interests, Paul seeks to leverage his experiences as being a current member of the Football Association of Ireland Disciplinary Committee, a former board member and director of a national sports governing body, and an approved club training facilitator with the Gaelic Athletic Association, to guide disputing parties through the mediation process, regardless of what the subject of the dispute might be.
2022 Mediation Foundation of Ireland certified.
2022 Accrediated mediator with the International Mediation Institute.
2009 The Law Society of Northern Ireland accredited Solicitor Advocate.
2022 - Present Member of the Football Association of Ireland Disciplinary & Appeals Committee and Arbitration Panel.
2015 - 2018 De Montfort University, Leicester - LL.M (with merit) - Sports Law & Practice.
2003 - 2005 Institute of Professional Legal Studies, Queen's University Belfast - Certificate.
2000 - 2003 Queen's University Belfast - LL.B Hons (2.1) - Law.

If you have a question about the Law Society Mediation Service (LSMS) or would like more information please use the box below to contact the mediator.
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